8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course

This course is an introductory course to mindfulness and you will learn daily practices that you can follow to develop a more mindful way of living your life and ultimately deal better with the stress you may experience in your day to day.

The course is run over an eight week period for 2 hours each week and you are encouraged to commit to a daily home practice. Each session will include a combination of teacher led learning, individual practice, pair work and group discussion.

The aim of the course is to develop a daily formal mindfulness meditation practice and integrate shorter more frequent mindful practices into your daily life that will enable you to be more present in your own life and therefore enjoy your life more.

Faiy is following the mindfulness teacher training pathway at Bangor University which means that she follows the Good Practice guidelines for teaching mindfulness based courses and receives supervision for her teaching practice.

For further details about the benefits of a mindfulness practice, please click the following link: http://franticworld.com/what-can-mindfulness-do-for-you/

For further information about this course please contact Happy In My Skin or check out our Events page.

FaiyMBSR course